Events | Dates |
Online registration and submission of Application Form | 20th April 2024 to 10th May 2024 |
Last date for successful transaction of Examination fee | 11th May 2024 to 12th May 2024 (up to 11:50pm) |
Fee Payable for UGC – NET June 2024 | Net Banking Debit Card / Credit Card / UPI |
General/Unreserved | Rs. 1150/- |
Gen-EWS*/ OBC-NCL** | Rs. 600/- |
Scheduled Caste (SC) / Scheduled Tribes (ST) / Person with Disability (PwD) | Rs. 325/- |
Third gender | Rs. 325/- |
Correction in the Particulars of Application Form | 13th May 2024 to 15th May 2024 |
Intimation of Cities of exam centres | To be Intimated Later |
Downloading of Admit Card by the Candidate from NTA Website | To be Intimated Later |
Dates of Examination | 16th June 2024 |
Duration of Examination | 180 minutes |
er 1 & Paper 2 | (03 hours) |
Timing of Examination | To be Intimated Later |
Exam Centre, Date and Shift | As indicated on the Admit Card |
Display of Recorded Responses and Provisional Answer Keys | To be announced later on website |
Declaration of Result on NTA website | To be Intimated Later |
Website(s) |, |
The eligibility will be determined in the following manner:
Eligibility Determination | Qualified for Award of JRF and appointment as Assistant Professor | Eligible for Appointment as Assistant Professor and admission to Ph.D. | Eligible for Admission to Ph.D. only |
Category-1 | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Category-2 | No | Yes | Yes |
Category-3 | No | No | Yes |

➢ The JRF-qualified candidates are admitted into the Ph.D. programme based on an interview as per the UGC (Minimum
Standards and Procedures for Award of Ph.D. Degree) Regulations, 2022.
➢ UGC NET under category-2 category-3 can be used as an entrance test for Ph.D. admission in place of entrance tests
conducted by the different universities/HEIs for admission to Ph.D.
➢ For candidates qualified under the category-2 and category-3, the marks obtained in the NET will have 70% weightage and
30% weightage will be based on the performance in the interview/viva voce conducted by the University/HEI concerned.
The Ph.D. admission will be based on the combined merit of NET marks and the marks obtained in the interview/viva
➢ For admission to Ph.D., the marks obtained in the NET by the candidates in category-2 and category-3 will be valid for a
period of one year from the date of declaration of the result of UGC-NET.
➢ The result of NET will be declared in percentile along with the marks obtained by a candidate to utilize the marks for
admission to Ph.D.
➢ The number of candidates who will be qualified for ‘admission to the Ph.D. only’ will be decided by the results committee.
Mode of Examination
- The Examination shall be conducted in OMR Based mode only
Pattern of Examination
The Test will consist of two papers. Both the papers will consist of objective type, multiple choice questions. There will be no break between papers.

Syllabus of Test
- website:
- .The National Testing Agency will not provide the copy of syllabus to any candidate.
Medium of Question Paper
(i) The medium of Question Paper shall be in English & Hindi only, except language papers.
(ii) Option for medium of Question Paper should be carefully chosen by the Candidate, while filling the Application Form online. The option once exercised cannot be changed.
(iii) Candidates are required to answer in the medium as per option exercised in the Application Form.
(iv) In case of any ambiguity in translation/construction of a question in the exam, its English version shall be treated as final and the decision of NTA shall be final in this regard.
Marking Scheme
(a) Each question carries 02 (two) marks.
(b) For each correct response, candidate will get 02 (two) marks.
(c) There is no negative marking for incorrect response.
Age Limit and Relaxation
(i) JRF: Not more than 30 years as on 01st day of the month in which the examination is concluded i.e. 01.06.2024.
A relaxation of upto 5 years is provided to the candidates belonging to OBC-NCL (as per the Central list of OBC available on website: /SC/ST/PwD/Third gender categories and to women applicants. Relaxation will also be provided to the candidates with research experience, limited to the period spent on research
in the relevant / related subject of post-graduation degree, subject to a maximum of 5 years, on production of a certificate from appropriate authority, which should be a recognized Indian university / Institute of National Importance / foreign university which is duly approved / recognized / accredited in its own Country / Public
Sector Undertaking of Government of India / State Government in India. The research should not have been carried out towards completion of graduation or post-graduation degree(s). Three years’ relaxation in age will be permissible to the candidates with L.L.M. degree. A relaxation of upto 5 years is provided to the candidates who
have served in the armed forces subject to the length of service in the armed forces upto the first day of the month in which the concerned UGC-NET is, conducted, i.e., 01.06.2024. Total age relaxation on the above ground(s) shall not exceed five years under any circumstances.
(ii) Assistant Professor: There is no upper age limit in applying for UGC-NET for Assistant Professor.
(iii) Admission to PhD: There is no upper age limit in applying for UGC-NET for Admission to PhD.