Who among the following kings mentioned in the Rajatarangini personally went to a leather worker (charmakara) with a request to get a small piece of land of his cottage needed for the construction of temple of Tribhuvanasvami?
- Avantivarman
- Chandrapida
- Muktapida Lalitaditya
- Tarapida
- Rajatarangini is a historical chronicle written in Sanskrit by Kashmiri historian Kalhana in the 12th century.
- It covers the history of Kashmir from ancient times to the mid-12th century, including the reigns of various kings and dynasties, as well as cultural and social developments in the region.
- It is considered an important source of information on the history and culture of Kashmir.
- The Rajatarangini is divided into eight books, each covering a different period of time in Kashmir’s history. It is notable for its detailed accounts of the various kings and their rule, as well as its descriptions of the social, cultural, and economic life of Kashmir during this time period.
- Rajatarangini mentions how Chandrapida (711-719 CE), a King of Kashmir, upheld the Rule of Law, and protected a ‘charmakara’ (leather worker) against the hostility of his own officials.
- The king had planned to build a temple of Tribhuvanasvami on a piece of land where a leather worker’s hut was situated.
- He refused to remove his hut despite the orders of the officials of the king.
- When the officials complained about him to the king, instead of ordering demolition of the hut, the king scolded the officials for trying to encroach on the leather worker’s land.
- Later, the king personally went to request the leather worker.
- This incident shows the kindness of the king as he personally went to a leather worker with a request to get a small piece of land for his cottage needed for the construction of the temple of Tribhuvanasvami.
- Avantivarman was a king of the Gurjara-Pratihara Dynasty who ruled in the 9th century in what is now modern-day India.
- He is known for his military conquests and his strong patronage of art and culture.
- He is also credited with constructing several temples and palaces, including the Avantisvamin Temple in the city of Ujjain.
Muktapida Lalitaditya
- Muktapida Lalitaditya was a ruler of the Hindu Rajput dynasty in ancient India.
- He was known for his military conquests and is considered one of the greatest Rajput rulers of all time.
- He ruled in the 8th century CE and is credited with establishing a powerful and prosperous kingdom.
- He is also known for his patronage of arts and culture, and for his efforts to improve the lives of his subjects.