Definitions in logic

Definitions in logic

What is a definition?

A definition is a statement that explains the meaning of a word or term, especially in a dictionary or encyclopedic context. It can also be an explanation or clarification of a concept, process, or idea. The definition aims to give a clear and concise explanation of the essence or nature of the thing defined.

  • A definition is a statement that explains the meaning of a word or concept.
  • It provides a clear and concise explanation of what something is or represents.
  • Definitions are used in dictionaries, textbooks, and other educational materials.
  • They help clarify the meaning of a word and distinguish it from other words with similar meanings.
  • A definition should be accurate, complete, and free of ambiguity.
  • It should reflect the common usage and understanding of the word in question.
  • A good definition should provide context and relevant examples to make it easier to understand.
  • In some fields, such as law and science, definitions may have specific criteria and standards that must be met.
  • A definition can be formal, informal, technical, or conversational.
  • It is an essential tool for communication, as it allows people to understand each other and avoid misunderstandings.

Types of Definitions in logic

Formal definition

A formal definition is a definition that is expressed in a precise, structured, and logical manner, often using mathematical or logical symbols and notation. This type of definition is commonly used in mathematics, science, and other formal disciplines where clear and precise definitions are necessary to support systematic and rigorous reasoning and analysis.

A formal definition typically includes a set of conditions or criteria that a concept or term must meet in order to be considered part of a particular category or set. This helps to provide a clear and unambiguous understanding of the meaning of a term and allows for systematic and consistent application of the definition.

Formal definitions are often used in formal logic and mathematical proof, where the definition of a term is used as the starting point for a proof or argument. The use of formal definitions helps to ensure that the reasoning and analysis are clear, rigorous, and consistent, and helps to avoid ambiguity or confusion.

Informal definition

An informal definition is a casual explanation of a word or phrase that does not adhere to strict grammatical or linguistic rules. It uses common language and everyday expressions to give a general idea or understanding of the meaning of a term. Informal definitions are often more relatable and easier to understand than formal definitions, but they may not be as precise or accurate.

  • Not strict adherence to formal rules
  • Uses everyday language
  • Relaxed, conversational tone
  • Less precise
  • More subjective
  • Defined using a non-technical approach.

Extended definition

An extended definition is a detailed and thorough explanation of a particular term, concept, or idea. This type of definition goes beyond a simple dictionary definition by providing additional information and context to help readers fully understand the subject. An extended definition may include a history of the term, examples, related concepts, and other relevant information. It is often used in academic or technical writing to clarify complex ideas.

  • Detailed and thorough explanation
  • Includes multiple elements or facets of the concept
  • May provide background information
  • Clarifies and expands upon a basic definition
  • Can be formal or informal
  • May include examples, comparisons, and extended explanation of the concept.

Lexical definition

A lexical definition is a type of definition that provides the meaning of a word by describing its essential features and characteristics. Lexical definitions are commonly found in dictionaries and provide a standard, technical explanation of the meaning of a term. They are typically brief, precise, and focus on the core meaning of the word without considering context or usage.

  • Precise and technical language
  • Based on a word’s core meaning
  • Provides a clear and specific definition
  • Often found in dictionaries
  • Used for academic or scientific purposes
  • Objective, rather than subjective.

Stipulative definition

A stipulative definition is a definition that is created for the purpose of clarifying a term or concept by specifying the meaning that will be used in a particular context. This type of definition is often used in scientific or technical fields to establish a precise and agreed-upon meaning for a term, and it may differ from the common or traditional definition of the term. Stipulative definitions are usually introduced at the beginning of a discussion or argument, and they can be helpful in avoiding misunderstandings or ambiguity.

  • Purposely created for a specific context
  • Specified by the person using the term
  • Ad hoc or arbitrary
  • Not necessarily based on common usage
  • Used to clarify or give a unique meaning to a term
  • Often used in scientific or mathematical contexts.

Persuasive definition

A persuasive definition is a type of definition that aims to influence or convince the reader or listener to accept a particular viewpoint, belief, or conclusion. This type of definition is often used in arguments, political speeches, and advertising. A persuasive definition goes beyond simply defining a term; it attempts to shape the reader’s or listener’s understanding of the term and its implications. The definition may use emotional appeals, evidence, and logical arguments to support its position.

  • Aimed at convincing or swaying an audience
  • Uses language and arguments that appeal to emotions, beliefs, and values
  • May present a biased or subjective perspective
  • Can be used in advertising, politics, and debates
  • The goal is to change the audience’s point of view
  • May not provide an objective or impartial definition.
  • Purpose is to sway opinions or beliefs
  • Uses language that emphasizes specific qualities or attributes
  • May use emotional appeals or ethical arguments
  • Can be biased or one-sided
  • Often used in advertising or political discourse.

Parenthetical definition

A parenthetical definition is a definition that is added within parentheses in a sentence to clarify the meaning of a term or phrase. It provides additional information to the reader and is often used to define a term that may be unfamiliar or uncommon. The definition is set apart within the parentheses to distinguish it from the rest of the sentence.

Example: The word “brouhaha” (a commotion or fuss) is often used to describe a chaotic situation.

  • Definition placed within parentheses
  • Provides additional information
  • Often clarifies meaning
  • Supports the main definition
  • Used in written text.

Sentence definition

A sentence definition is a definition of a word or phrase expressed in the form of a sentence. It explains the meaning of the term being defined in a clear and concise manner, often using examples to illustrate the definition. Sentence definitions are commonly found in dictionaries and educational materials, and are used to help readers understand the meaning of new or complex terms.

  • Defines a word or phrase
  • States the meaning in a clear and concise manner
  • Usually written in grammatically complete form
  • Often used in dictionaries and other reference materials
  • Can be either formal or informal
  • Provides the understanding of a word or concept in a sentence.

Intention definition

Intention definition refers to a definition that focuses on what a person or thing was intended to do or be, rather than its actual characteristics or features. An intention definition often emphasizes the intended purpose, function, or goal of a thing rather than its properties or attributes. This type of definition is used to clarify the intended use or meaning of a word or concept.

  • Refers to the purpose or aim behind a particular action or decision.
  • Describes the motivation behind a person’s behavior.
  • Helps to understand the reasoning behind a particular event or situation.
  • Reflects the underlying objectives or goals of an action or decision.
  • Provides insight into why a person chose to act in a certain way.
  • Aims to uncover the meaning behind a person’s actions.

Ostensive definition

An ostensive definition is a type of definition that explains a term by pointing to examples or instances of it. It provides an experiential, rather than a theoretical, understanding of the term being defined. Ostensive definitions are commonly used to define concrete objects, such as physical objects or actions, as they provide an immediate and direct way of grasping their meaning.

  • Definition through demonstration
  • Explanation through examples
  • Uses real-life objects or actions to show meaning
  • Can be accompanied by verbal explanation
  • Emphasizes direct experience
  • Often used in practical contexts.

what is axiom

An axiom is a statement or proposition that is considered to be self-evident or universally accepted as true without the need for proof. In other words, it is a fundamental principle or truth that is taken for granted and used as a basis for further reasoning or inference. Axioms are used in mathematics, logic, philosophy, and other fields to establish the foundations for more complex theories and arguments. Axioms can be thought of as basic building blocks for a system of knowledge or a particular worldview. They are typically assumed to be true, and their truth is not subject to further questioning or scrutiny.

  • An axiom is a self-evident truth that is considered to be universally accepted without the need for proof.
  • It is a basic principle or statement upon which a logical system or theory is built.
  • Axioms provide the starting point for reasoning and deduction.
  • They are used to establish the basic laws and principles of a given subject.
  • In mathematics, axioms define the properties and relationships between numbers, shapes, and other mathematical entities.
  • In philosophy, axioms are used as the starting point for developing and testing ideas and arguments.
  • Axioms are considered to be the most fundamental and irrefutable truths.
  • They are often used to resolve disputes or clarify confusing concepts.
  • Axioms are not based on evidence or proof, but are simply assumed to be true.
  • The use of axioms allows for the development of a consistent and logical system of thought.

definitations vs axioms

Definition and axiom are both terms used in the context of explaining the meaning of a word or concept. However, they have some distinct differences.

A definition is a statement that explains the meaning of a word or concept. It provides a clear and concise explanation of what something is or represents and is used in dictionaries, textbooks, and other educational materials.

An axiom, on the other hand, is a self-evident truth that is considered to be universally accepted without the need for proof. It is a basic principle or statement upon which a logical system or theory is built. Axioms provide the starting point for reasoning and deduction and are considered to be the most fundamental and irrefutable truths.

In summary, a definition provides an explanation of what a word or concept means, while an axiom provides a foundation for reasoning and is considered to be self-evident and universally accepted as true.

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