What is Pointer in c plus plus advanced

What is a Pointer? C++ Advanced Part -1

Where’s your seat?

“F5” he said.

Just like how the seats in a theatre are identified by their locations, similarly variables also can be identified by their locations in the memory.

You remember your seat.

Thus, you are a variable who remembers the address of another variable which is the seat.

In this case, you are a pointer because you have your seat location/address stored in your memory.


pointer is a variable which contains the address/location of another variable.

The declaration of a pointer is same as any other variable:

datatype *variable_name;

An asterisk (*) is used in the declaration of a pointer.

We will learn the significance of this shortly.

* and &

An asterisk (*) is read as the value at.

Thus, *a will be read as the value at a.

And, an ampersand (&) is read as the address of.

So, &a will be read as the address of a.

Thus,  *a = &p;

This is read as: the value at a equals the address of p.

That is, a is a pointer containing the address of p.

Using pointers in C++

Consider the below snippet

int a = 5;

int *b = &a;


Here we have a variable a containing value 5 and another variable which is a pointer containing the address of a, then we are printing variable b on the screen.

The output of the above snippet will be a hexadecimal value like the one shown below



 int a = 5;

int *b = &a;


We have made a slight change, we are now printing value at b to the screen.

The output of the above snippet will be



 int a = 5;


Now we are printing address of a to the screen.

The output of the above snippet will be a hexadecimal value like the one shown below:


In C++, there are many operations which can be carried out using pointers.

Addition, subtraction, swapping values of variables.

In short, we can carry out every operation with the help of pointers.

* and & stand for value at and address of respectively.

To summarize

  • pointer is a variable containing the address of another variable.
  • An asterisk (*) is read as the value at.
  • And, an ampersand (&) is read as the address of.
  • The declaration of a pointer is same as any other variable except the asterisk which tells that it is a pointer.
  •  datatype *variable_name;

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